Many of you must have been facing the problem of how to block whatsapp calls? If you are a regular user of this messaging service, you must know how to do it at the first place! You should be aware that these days, there is another way to get rid of unwanted anonymous calls. All you need to do is install an official android application called " Blockship". Installing and using this software will help you in getting rid of those anonymous callers who are ruining your peaceful life.

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how to block whatsapp calls


First, Install Block Him. It is an official android app from Blocked Messaging Pro, the leading provider of android apps. Either by downloading the app from the Google play store or purchasing it directly from the android marketplace, you can disable or block Whatsapp calls from any smartphone, with just a few steps. Just follow the simple steps mentioned in the video walk through. Once you install and activate Block Him, you will no longer receive any unwanted calls from Whatsapp.


With this new innovation, you can also disable instant messaging (IM) from your smartphone. Just download and install the app, and select IM and disable it. You will not receive any IM calls from the person at the other side either. This is the most excellent solution for those who are very annoyed by pranksters. Moreover, you can also block specific keywords or text from being sent while using the instant messaging system.

How to Block Whatsapp Calls Completely For Free


However, the question that would always come to mind while considering how to block whatsapp calls on android smartphone is where to find out such a resource. Isn't it difficult to find out one? The answer is yes. There are so many websites that offer free instant messaging services on the internet. But the problem is that not all of them are legitimate and updated. As a result, you might end up getting into a scam and miss on great offers such as this.


Therefore, the first thing to do is to look for a reliable reference such as Google Play which lists all latest apps available on the platform. In addition, you must select a reliable and trustworthy directory service like IP Trading which gives you access to authentic and reliable data such as which apps can be blocked, and which ones can not. The second thing to do is to check if the particular provider offers you a trial version of the app which allows you to test out its functionality before purchasing. You must select the one which offers you a money back guarantee.


Once you have done all of these, you need to check whether blocking an incoming call from a particular number is actually possible with the particular app. To do this, you should simply open the app and tap the option called "block calls". This option is located at the very top left corner of the screen. You will notice that there is also an "unblock" button which is next to it. After pressing the "unblock" button, you can simply return to the main menu of the app where you can select "Call", and then "block".


This is how to block whatsapp calls. However, blocking specific numbers from calling can be more effective. In this case, you should find a contact directory provider in your area which offers premium white listed contacts which includes some of the most popular names in the mobile industry such as; Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, and others. With this kind of directory, you can easily identify the person who called you, or who is calling your spouse. This way, you can easily stop prank calls or unwanted calls to your mobile phone.


You can also use various online services like those provided by reverse phone lookup directories. There are various sites which offer completely free or cheap services to look up mobile phone numbers. However, these services only provide information about the carrier of the number being researched, and will not provide information regarding the person whose name has been registered with that mobile phone number. This means that you can find out the name of the person who owns the whatsapp account but you cannot actually block him or her from using the service.

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